Over the last few days Iu and myself have really got into the groove of the ocean. Our movements are dictated by the winds and tides. Time is irrelevant, the days are unmarked by names and life just seems so simple!
We wake up with the roosters - surf our fill, eat, surf again - eat again. Then it's time for some quiet reading followed by a siesta - followed by another surf. Luckily I'm keeping stingy company so even a nightly Bintang is a special occasion, and usually I'm in bed by 8:30 anyway.
When the swell picked up a little - we ventured south for an exploratory mission. We saw so many crazy set ups and ended up surfing a sketchy shallow a - frame with an audience of noisy monkey in the dunes.
As we zipped down every little beach entrance - we saw so much Indonesian culture in its rawest form. One little beach community was undertaking some kind of ceremonial slaughter while we checked the surf. All the men of the village were taking part, cutting and slicing with cigarettes clamped in the corners of their mouths. One of the men proceeded to cut off a little teet from a dead goat and put it on Iu's chest - and the whole crowd erupted in laughter. It was funny in a kind of twisted way - though in these situations you just have to go with it!
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